studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NKEC53 Organic Chemistry 3 , 10 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The course gives principles of organic chemistry such as the connection between structure and reactivity of molecules. The course also includes strategy of synthesis and organic spectroscopy. The experimental part consist of synthesis and analysis of organic compounds.

Approved NKEA11-13 General Chemistry 1-3, and attended NKEB21 Inorganic Chemistry 2, NKEB22 Organic Chemistry 2, respectively.

Supplementary courses:
NKEC64 Physical-Organic Chemistry NKED73 Organic Synthesis

Course organization:
The education includes lectures, seminars and laboratory work.

Course content:
The course consists of fundamental theory of molecular structure, kinetics, mechanisms and stereochemistry. The fundamental classes of organic reactions, The course also includes the strategy of synthesis and synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals. The theoretical and practical aspects of UV-spectroscopy, IR-spectroscopy, NMR-spectroscopy and Mas spectroscopy. The experimental work includes organic laboratory techniques, synthesis in several steps and analysis of organic compounds.

Course literature:
Norman, R.V.C and Coxon, J.M: Principles in Organic synthesis Williams, D.H., and Fleming, I: Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry Lab. instructions from the department

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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