studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NKEC42 Chemical Coordination and Equilibrium, 10 p (sw)
/Kemisk koordination och jämvikt/

Advancement level:

The aims of the course are * to give an introduction to the chemistry of coordination compounds (”complexes”), including symmetries of complexes, and some spectroscopic methods that can be used for characterisation of complexes. * to emphasise the quantitative aspects of chemistry. This is mainly done in connection with various computer-aided calculations of complex equilibria. * to train the students in presenting a scientific report orally and in writing at a seminar.

Inorganic Chemistry 2 (NKEB 21), Organic Chemsitry 2 (NKEB 22), Physical Chemistry 2 (NKEB 33), Mathematics and Statistics (NMAA 30), or equivalent.

Course organization:
The character of the course is one of full-time studies. Lectures, lessons, a number of laboratory exercises, and two written examinations take place during the first _ of the course and the last _ will be occupied by a laboratory project work, including the preparation of a project report. The written examinations, called Examination I (2 p) and II (3 p) cover the below points 2-4 and 5-8, respectively.

Course content:
1. Introducing literature search utilising database(s) 2. MATLAB as a tool for solving chemical problems 3. Basic error-analysis, linear regression and least-squares methods 4. Calculations of complex equilibria 5. D-block chemistry, structures and properties of complexes 6. Organometallics 7. Symmetries of coordination compounds, molecular orbital theory for complexes 8. Spectroscopic methods (IR, NMR, UV-VIS) 9. Laboratory exercises (2 p) 10. Project work (3 p)

Course literature:
A compendium prepared at the department M.J. Winter, ”D-block Chemistry”, Oxford, 1994 M. Bochmann, ”Organometallics 1”, Oxford, 1996 P.W. Atkins, ”Physical Chemistry”, (selected parts), Oxford, 1998

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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