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NKEB21 | Inorganic Chemistry 2, 10 p (sw) /Oorganisk kemi 2/ Advancement level: B | |
Aim: The aim of the course is to give both fundamental and profound knowledge into the following areas: Properties, structures and reactions of the elements and of inorganic compounds; Inorganic synthesis; Chemistry of complexes; Solid State Chemistry Prerequisites: General Chemistry 1 - 2 (NKEA 14 and 15), Organic Chermistry (NKEA16) and Biochemistry (NKEA17). Course organization: The course consists of lectures, lessons and laboratory work. Course content: The first part of the course deals with descriptive inorganic chemistry, e.g. the physical and chemical properties of the elements with respect to their positions in the periodic table. The relationship between the electronic structure of atoms and ions and important chemical parameters such as electronegativity, oxidation state, ionic radius, coordination number, acidity and basicity etc is emphasized, and important trends in the periodic system are studied. The descriptive part also comprises: metal cations och oxo anions in water. The structure and solubility of ionic compounds. The thermodynamics of precipitation and solubility reactions. Structures, properties and reactions of oxides. Oxidation and reduction reactions and the corresponding equilibria. Pourbaix och Ellingham diagrams. Coordination compounds and Lewis acids and bases. Hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB principle). Halogenides, nitrides, sulfides och hydrides. The fundamental causes for trends and periods among the elements in light of quantum mechanics (Schrödinger equation) and relativity theory. In the second part of the course the chemistry of complexes and solid state chemistry are studied, including the following main subjects: structure of complexes and ligand field theory. Crystalline and amorphous solids. Defects in solids. Non-stoichiometry and solid solutions. Diffusion and ionic conductivity in solids. Electronic band structure of metals and semiconductors. Magnetic, dielectric and optical compounds. Superconducting compounds. Modern ceramics. The laboratory course includes synthesis of inorganic compounds in water and under water-free conditions, qualitative inorganic analysis, synthesis of complexes and determination of the ligand field energy gap by spectrophotometry, synthesis and characterisation of solids exhibiting various properties, e.g. phosphorescence, superconductivity etc. Course literature: G. Wulfsberg, "Principles of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry" G. Aylward & T. Findlay, "SI Chemical Data"To be announced later |