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NFYD72 | Group Theory, 5 p (sw) /GRUPPTEORI/ Advancement level: D | |
Aim: After completed the course, the student should have a good understanding of basic group theory and be able to apply it on relevant physical systems. The course should also give a deeper understanding of well known notions as classical conservation laws and quantum mechanical selection rules.Prerequisites: Participation in NFYC58 Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Physics, NFYC56 Solid State Physics and NFYC51 Mathematical methods of physics 1.Course organization: The course is given in the form of lectures.Course content: Fundamentals of group theory; groups, classes, representations. Applications on quantum mechanical and classical problems; degeneration and selection rules, integrals of motion, modes of vibration and molecular vibrations, point groups and crystal fields.Course literature: Elliot and Dawber: Symmetry in physics vol 1. |