studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NFYB46 Astronomy, 3 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give the student basic knowledge in astronomy and astrophysics. The education is based on courses studied in mathematics (40 points) and physics (20 points) and it will give a deeper ability to apply knowledge in physics on the subject of astronomy. Qualitative reasoning is given more space than a mathematical one. Deductive and experimental solving of problems are prefered. Historical studies are presented as a background for a description of up to date natural science knowledge in astronomy and astrophysics.

Basic knowledge in physics studied, 20 points (NFYA31, NFYA32 and NFYA33 or equivalent).

Supplementary courses:
NFYB56 Geophysics.

Course organization:
The teaching contains lecturing and tutorials in connection with experimental work and observations. The participation in the experimental work and a study trip, if arranged, is compulsory.

Course content:
The course gives an overview of our present knowledge about the nature of the celestial bodies, their origin and development and the composition of the universe. Astronomical instruments and observation techniques as well as space research are studied. An important goal for this course is to give the students a practical skill to make calculations using data from an astronomical handbook (Den svenska almanackan). The main part of the course is spent on astrophysics i e a study of the emission, construction and development of the stars.

Course literature:
M. Zeilik, Astronomy The Evolving Universe, 8 ed, J. Wiley & Sons, INC. Den Svenska Almanackan (for the year of the course). Compendium: "Praktisk astronomi" (for the year of the course). "Observationsanvisningar och Laborationer i astronomi."

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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