studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

NFYA10 Analog Electronics, 10 p (sw)

Advancement level:

The course should give skill in DC and AC circuit analysis, knowledge for understanding and use of analog devices and systems, and skill in analysis and construction of analog electronic systems.

3 years of mathematics (E) and physics N,T (or equivalent) both lowest degree 3

Supplementary courses:
NFYA11 Digital electronics

Course organization:
Lessons and laboratory experiments.

Course content:
DC circuit analysis. Passive devices. Fourier analysis. AC circuit analysis. Bode plots. pn-junction, Bipolar, JFET and MOS transistors. Basic amplifier circuits. Quiescent point calculations. Small-signal equivalent circuits. RC- coupled amplifiers frequency dependence. Step response. The difference amplifier. Operational amplifiers. Feedback. Application of operational amplifiers. Oscillators. Power circuits. Thermal considerations. Voltage regulation. Voltage converters. Active filters: RC- and SC-type. Singularity plots. Butterworh- Chebyshev- and Bessel characteristic. Synthesis of filters. Frequency analyzers. Analog modulation: AM, FM, SSB, different analog pulse train modulation methods.

Course literature:
S. Söderkvist: "Kretsteori och elektronik" and "övningsbok". Schilling and Belove: Electronic Circuits. Off-prints and laboratory instructions.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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