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Linköpings tekniska högskola

NFXD21 Final Thesis, 20 p (sw)

Advancement level:

To give the student an opportunity to perform an idenpendent study. The student should use his or her gained knowledge in physics to solve a given problem. The student should also show her or his ability to present the results both in writing and orally. The student should show his or her skill to penetrate and appreciate references and relevant literature within the problem area. The student should, furthermore, show the ability to read and criticize the final thesis of another student.

Basic courses in physics in the first 3 years of the Physics Programme of which courses in physics comprising a minimum of 70 points must be passed. Among these courses a minimum of 20 points must be courses on the C/D levels, the course NFYC55 Quantum Physics and Solid State Physics being compulsory. In total courses comprising at least 110 points must be passed.

Course content:
Will be decided individually for every student in consultation with the supervisor and the examiner.

Course language is Swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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