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NBIC18 | Biological Environmental Engineering, 10 p (sw) /TEKNISKT MILJÖSKYDD/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: The aim of the Biological Environmental Engineering course is firstly to provide students with a detailed understanding of effects, and impacts of different types of pollutants from modern industrial society. Secondly the course will provide an overview of methods available for monitoring, prevention and treatment of these environmental problems. The course will deal with both pollution prevention strategies and technical and biological methods for treatment, and will also examine in detail the methodology and application of Environmental Impact Assessment.Prerequisites: Past exams in courses comparable to 50 cedits (1.25 years) of basal biology at Linköping University, including courses similar to our courses NBIB10 (Floristics and Faunistics, 5 credits) and NBIB06 (Environmental Management, 5 credits). Course organization: The course includes lectures, seminars, literature studies, field- and laboratory studies, excursions and educational visits. Lectures will focus on different environmental issues in relation to current research. Literature studies are examined in written reports and in oral form during seminars. Students will work with field- and laboratory studies as well as other practicals in groups of three - four persons. Practicals are discussed and examined in written reports and during seminars.Course content: The course will focus on both globally and regionally important environmental issues such as global climate change, acidification, eutrophication, and the effects of toxic substances such as halogenated organic compounds and heavy metals. Methods to detect, monitor and value ecological and toxicological effects will be studied, discussed and and to some extent tested practically. The students will critically examine Environmental Impact Assessments, and discuss the content and use of such documents. In order to produce and examine such assessments, it is also necessary to have a knowledge of common methods for solid waste and wastewater treatment as well as treatment of gas emissions and hazardous waste. Also, recent biological methods to deal with pollution minimization will be studied as well as pollution prevention strategies such as clean production, the use of Life Cycle Analysis and environmental auditing. Course literature: Bernes, C. 1994. Organiska miljögifter, Monitor 14. Naturvårdsverket förlag, Stockholm. Lerman, P. (ed.) 1996. Boken om MKB, del 1. Att arbeta med MKB för projekt. Boverket, Karlskrona. IMA, 1993. Annonym. 1999. Energiläget. Närings- och teknikutvecklingsverket, NUTEK. Kompendium i miljöskydd. Del 2, Miljöskyddsteknik. Inst. för Miljöskydd och Arbetsvetenskap, Kungliga tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm. Literature compendium and original papers. Literature seminars will in part be based on original papers provided by the course-staff. | ||
Compulsory participation in all seminars, practicals (including lab. work), educational visits and excursions because of the independent and practical character of the studies. Theory: passed literature seminars (3 credits) and HEMTENTAMEN (3 credits). Practicals (4 credits): passed written reports and oral presentations. The marks of the course are given as Œpassed´ or Œnot passed´. |