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Linköpings tekniska högskola

NBIC05 Cellbiology, cont., 10 p (sw)
/CELLBIOLOGI - påbyggnad/

Advancement level:

The student should get advanced knowledge about the morphology and physiology of the eucaryotic cell and get an insight in how cells co-operate in the human body. Increased understanding in scientific working methods and scientific theory are other main points of the course.

Equivalent attended basic program of biology with fullfilled "threshold"-demands (passed 50p with a min of 25p theory).

Course organization:
Lectures present an advanced theory of the subject and complements and/or explains the literature of the course. Studying and understanding of the theory are made easier with help of study problems, which is studied separately or in group. Laboratory work, which exemplifies the theory and which results in data that are put together, presented and discussed at seminars, represents a great part of the course. Many researchers with connection to the University hospital and with special knowledge within different areas within cell biology give lectures and supervise laboratory projects. The course includes "problembased studying moments", which means that a certain problem should be solved, partially through laboratory work and partially through obtaining theoretical knowledge eg. from scientific articles.

Course content:
Two parts: 1) General and biological scientific theory, research methods, ethics and the function of research in society. 2) Theoretical and practical cell biology at an advanced level with applications of multiple modern methods within areas such as cell separation, cell cultivation, cell-cell interaction, electron- and fluorescence microscopy, receptor dynamics, intracellullar signalling, subcellular fractionation and cellullar functions.

Course literature:
Hempel. Vetenskapsteori Studentlitteratur Chalmers. What is this thing called Science? Open University Press Alberts et al. 1994 Molecular Biology of the Cell Garland Publ Inc. or equivalent.

Course language is swedish.


Linköpings tekniska högskola


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