studiehandbok@lith   Länk

Linköpings tekniska högskola

TSRT40 Trådlösa kommunikationssystem, 4 poäng
/Wireless Communication Systems /

För: NK4

Utbildningsområde: Teknik    Ämnesgrupp: Elektroteknik
Fördjupningsnivå: C

The course intends to provide knowledge in the area of wireless communication. The aim is to - introduce the concept of wireless communication - understand problems specific for wireless communication and technical solutions - understand design, construction and evaluation of wireless systems using radio communication. - give en overview on some existing system

TNG015 Signals and Systems

The course consists of lectures, group lessons and laboratory work.

Basics about radio communication system: frequency spectrum and its properties, frequency bands, overview on various radio systems. Signal propagation in free space, tropospheric propagation, ionospheric propagation, antennas. Stochastic channel models: fading and shadowing. Data transmission over radio channels: modulation schemes (coherent and noncoherent), transmission over fading channels. Diversity methods. Coding methods: block codes and convolutional codes, coding gain. Multiple access using FDMA and TDMA. Spread-spectrum technique: frequency hopping system and direct sequence methods. The GSM system. Wireless LAN: standards and technology.

To be decided

TEN1One written exam, 3 p.
LAB1Laboratory course, 1 p.

Undervisningsspråk är Svenska.

Engelsk kursplan

Gäller 2001, beslut av utbildningsnämnden november 2000


Linköpings tekniska högskola


Informationsansvarig: Info-LiTH,
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