TNDE80 Applied Data Communication, 7,5 ECTS-points
/Tillämpad datakommunikation/

Advancement level:

The course will give knowledge of methods for datacommunication.

TNDE10 Design with microcomputers

Course organization:
Introductory lectures and laboratory work followed by a project work.

Course content:
A survey of transmission methods and modulation. The OSI-model. Standards, protocols and different interfaces (TCP/IP, CAN, USB). Different types of coding. Detection and error handling. The PCI-bus and PCMCIA-cards. Introduction to computer networks.

Course literature:
To be announced later.

LAB1Laboratory work, 2 p.
PRA1Written and oral presentation of a project, 3 p.
The course is given in Katrineholm

Course language is Swedish.