TMPS01 Assembly Technology, 7,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course deals with assembly from both a technical and an organisational point of view, with emphasis on technical matters in the assembly operations. The goal is to give basic knowledge of production technology related to the assembly situation as well as knowledge about different means and methods used in assembly.

Basic courses in Production Engineering, Machine Elements, Electrical Engineering and Industrial Economics and Management.

Course organization:
The course also forms a moudle in automated Production Systems - Assembly Technology. The course is given during one study period. The theoretical part is concentrated to the beginning of the course and will deal with the part operations of the assembly process including methods, tools, equipment and assembly systems.

Course content:
The importance of economy and assembly technology in manufacturing. Prerequisit of production technology and economics for automatic as well as manual assembly. Desigh technical issues related to assembly. Equipment and techniques used for different part operations in assembly. Production philosophy and assembly systems. Industrial robot technology related to flexible automatic assembly.

Course literature:
Compendium: Assembly Technology

TEN1, 3 p.
LAB1, 0,5 p.
UPG1, 1,5 p.
TEN1 Written examination 4 points LAB1 Laboratory work 1 point UPG1 Writen exercise, 1,5 points

Course language is swedish.