TMMV53 Computational Fluid Mechanics, 7,5 ECTS-points
/Beräkningsmetoder i strömningslära/

Advancement level:

This course aims at giving the students understanding of and proficiency in computational methods applied to fluid-flow problems. Special attention is paid to finite-difference and finite-volume methods for one- two- and three-dimensional problems. Major attention is devoted to understanding of the coupling between real problem, model and computational model. Knowledge in modelling practical problems is treated.

Numercial Methods, Algebra, Analysis, Analysis continuation course, Energy Technology basic course, and preferably Modelling and Simulation - Energy and Computational Methods in Heat Transfer. Familiarity with MATLAB (or equivalent) is also desirable.

Supplementary courses:
The subject area Applied Thermodyamics and Fluid Mechanics gives doctoral courses which can, where suitable, serve as a continuation course for interested students

Course organization:
Teaching is in the form of seminars andproject work of varying scope. The course includes a large amount of computer work.

Course content:
Basic fluid mechanics and its equations, Similarity, Problem formulation. Computational methods - an overview, the Finite Difference method, the Finite Volume mehtod, Discretization, Boundary conditions, Transient problems, Geometry transformations, Turbulence and turbulence models.

Course literature:
Computational Fluid Dynamics - the basics with applications, John D. Anderson Jr, McGraw-Hill 1998

PRA1Two mionor projects to be reported in writing , 0 p.
PRA2PRA1 One advanced project task to be reported in writing, 5 points

Course language is Swedish.