TMKT04 CAD in the Industrial Design Process, 9 ECTS-points
/CAD i designprocessen/

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge of how to use the computer as a design tool during the design process. The student will learn how forms are shaped and developed using various computer programs in combination with other aids for visual representation. The student will acquire greater experience of product analysis in which a variety of aspects are illustrated and evaluated. The purpose of the project format is to combine the many components of the curriculum into a functioning unit and provide experiences of various steps of the product development process. In this manner the student will increase skills necessary for evaluating and formulating problems, structuring problems and selecting working methods, testing and experimenting, presenting ideas using different media, analyzing and evaluating, as well as completing the planning process, to achieve a comprehensive material for presentation.

Design: Industrial design, Design: Visualization, Ergonomics - Design.

Course organization:
Lectures, classes, exercises and projects which are based on the skills provided by this and previous courses.

Course content:
Three dimensional CAD program for design purposes. Two dimensional object based graphics program. Sketching and presentation techniques. Product analysis. Project and design methods. The design project is carried out in cooperation with industrial companies and includes a complete product, or a part of a larger product, for which the individual is the operator, such as the driver’s seat in a vehicle. During the design project the team will deal with the product’s design, adaptation, esthetics, practical function, etc. Great emphasis is placed upon the ergonomic design of the product.

Course literature:
To be announced at the beginning of the course.

LAB1Labratory work, 1 p.
PRA1Project work, 4 p.
UPG1Exercises, 1 p.
Course language is Swedish.