TMIA06 Man-Machine Systems, basic course, 3 ECTS-points
/Människa-maskin system/

Advancement level:

After passing this course the student should have: - insight in important aspects concerning how technological system should be designed taking into account the operators needs, abilities, and limitations, - insight in important aspects for the design of man - machine interaction, - knowledge concerning the human role in measurement, control, and control processes, - understand how the role as an engineer will influence the design of industrial work, - be able to use his or her knowledge to make demands on, and order technical equipment, from different actors, - have knowledge about the labour market and laws and regulations in the field of work environment.


Course content:
Man-machine systems Systems theory, Human abilities and limitations, task allocation between operator and system, system design and its effects on productivity and quality. Man - Computer Interaction Information processing, dialogue design, design of software, hardware, design of workstations, strain in computerised work. Process control, decision making, cognitive models, information ergonomic, perception, design of controls and displays. Human error, information processing, communication, accidents, environmental and other effects.

Course literature:
Sanders, M. and McCormick, J. "Human Factors in Engineering and Design", New York, McGraw Hill 1992 Additional material will be distributed.

TEN1Written examination, 1 p.
LAB1Labratory work, 0,5 p.
UPG1Written examination, 0,5 p.
Course language is Swedish.