TMHL43 Mechanics of Materials and Structural Optimization , 6 ECTS-points
/Materialmekanik och strukturoptimering/

Advancement level:

This course is intended to deepen the students' knowledge in the theory of plasticity and its applications. The capability of materials to sustain plastic deformation can be made use of in many areas. Materials can be used more effectively by allowing plastic deformation. In production techniques, plastic processing of materials involving large plastic deformation often occurs. Structural optimization is concerned with finding structures that in a specific meaning carry loads as efficiently as possible. The aim might be to minimize weight, stress or complicance. The course aims at establishing knowledge on basic concepts, mathematical formulations and computer-based methods in structural optimization. Sequences of explicit approximation and sensitivity analysis are covered, and a computer exercise on shape optimization is included. Applications of the Finite Element Method in plasticity will also be discussed.

TMHL 07 Solid Mechanics, Basic course, TMHL 08 Solid Mechanics, Mechanics of Lightweight Structures, TMHL 03 Solid Mechanics, the Finite Element Method, TMHL 61 Damage Mechanics and Life Analysis, TMHL 41 Continuum Mechanics, TMHL 62 The Finite Element Method, advanced course TAOP 10 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization

Course organization:
The course is divided into two parts:

Course content:
Theory of plasticity: classification of inelastic processes, 1D ideal plasticity, 3D ideal plasicity, hardening, numerics. Structural Optimization: Basic concepts, explicit approximations, sequential convex programming, sensitivity analysis, shape representaion, structures of maximum stiffness and topology optimization.

Course literature:
Will be announced at course start.

TEN1Written examination, 3 p.
UPG1Written examination, 1 p.
Course language is English.