TFYY02 Chaos and non-linear phenomena, 5 ECTS-points
/Kaos och icke-linjära fenomen/

Advancement level:

The course will give an orientation in the special properties of non-linear systems of theoretical and practical interest, and also an orientation in some topical areas of research like solitons and "breathers".

TFFY 17 Modern Physics, TFFY 02 Mathematical Methods of Physics or TATM 58 Partial Differential Equations, TFFY 43 Analytical Mechanics. The courses TFFY 54 Quantum Mechanics and TFFY 70 Physics of Condensed Matter part I are recommended.

Course organization:
38 hours lectures and 18 hours exercises solving problems. The course will be given every second year alternating with TFFY27 Elementary Particle Physics. TFYY02 Chaos and non-linear phenomena will be given in 1998.

Course content:
Introduction. Experiments and simple models. Vibrations in mechanical systems and electrical circuits. Piecewise linear maps and deterministic chaos. Universal behavior of quadratic maps. Bifurcations. Poincaré maps. Lyapunov exponents. Fractal dimensions. Period-doubling. Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. The intermittency route to chaos. Strange attractors in dissipative dynamical systems. The transition from quasiperiodicity to chaos. Regular and irregular motion of conservative systems. Integrable and non-integrable systems. Solitons and breathers with applications. Chaos in quantum systems.

Course literature:
G. Ohlén/S. Åberg: Kaos inom naturvetenskap och teknik (Compendium, Lund) and complementary material handed out during the course.

TEN1Homework problems., 3,5 p.
Course language is Swedish.

Course language is Swedish..