TFMJ10 Design for the Environment, ECTS-points
/Miljöanpassning av produkter/

Advancement level:

The student should acquire an understanding of how a product can be designed and developed when environmental concerns are considered. A systems oriented perspective on product-related energy and material flows is emphasized. The student should gain some practical experience of tools for life cycle assessment (LCA) and design for the environment.

TFIU 05 Environmental Science or similar

Supplementary courses:
TFMJ08 Environmental Impact Assessment and for MI TFMJ06 Environmental Management Strategies

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, computer-based laboratory work and a project.

Course content:
Systems analytical methods for evaluating environmental impact. An orientation on material flow analysis. Recycling and waste management. Environmental valuation of different substances and materials. Life cycle assessment including construction of a LCA structure, methods for collection and handling of data and assessment of the results. Tools and procedures to accomplish environmentally designed products.

Course literature:
To be announced later

TEN1, 3 p.
LAB1, 2 p.
Course language is swedish.