TFBI10 Cell Biology, 7,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

Biology from a cellbiological persperctive. The course is continuation on the biochemistry course. The student should acquire basic knowledge about the structure and function of the pro- and eucarytic cells as weill as basic experimental methods within cell biology. Furthermore the course intends to give an introduction in cell- and microbiological methods as well as sterile technology.

TFBI05 Biology and TFKE25 Biochemistry.

Course organization:
Lectures, laboratory projects and literature seminars.

Course content:
The principal structure of the eucaryotic cell: Organcells, membrane structures, organisation of DNA, other cell components. Mitocondria and chloroplasts. Plasmamembrane: Edification, structure, transport mechanisms over membrane, methods to study membran. Compartmentation: Cytoplasm, endoplasmatic network, golgy-apparatus, peroxysomes and lysosomes. Plant cells. Photosynthesis and gluconeogenes. Control system on cellular level. Evolution on molecular and cellular level. Cellular communication. Cytoskelleton. Cell mobility as well as endo- and exocytos. Cell nucleus, cell division, growth models and differentiated cells. Structure and function of procaryotic cells. Principles of light microscopy. Cellbiological methods: light fluorescence- and electron microscopy. Cultivation technology for bacteria and mammal cells.

Course literature:
Alberts B et al. 1994. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd ed. Garland Publishing. Madigan et al, 1997. Brock Biology of the Microorganisms. Prentice Hall Inc.

TEN1Written examination, 3 p.
LAB1Laboratory course, 2 p.
Course language is swedish.