TDTS43 Computer networks and distributed systems, 7,5 ECTS-points
/Datornät och distribuerade system/

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give knowledge about theories and techniques for computer networks and distributed systems.

TDDB63 Concurrent Programming and Operating Systems, or equivalent. Knowledge of C and C++.

Course organization:
The theoretical material is presented at lectures. Laboratory work is used as a complement to the lectures.

Course content:
Basic concepts such as protocols, services, circuit switching, datagrams, virutal circuits. Network architectures, layering, the OSI-RM, the Internet, standardization. Protocol types. Local area networks, high-speed networks, wide area networks, internetworking, routing protocols. TCP/IP. Architectures for distributed systems, client/server, distributed objects. CORBA, DCOM.

Course literature:
William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall.

TEN1Written examination, 3 p.
LAB1Laboratory work, 2 p.
Course language is english.