TDDA89 Formal Languages and Automata Theory, 5,3 ECTS-points
/Formella språk och automatteori/

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to give an introduction to formal languages and automata theory.

TATM 43 Discrete mathematics, basic course, or TATM 90 Discrete Mathematics and Logic or TDDB 90 Discrete Mathematics and Logic

Supplementary courses:
TDDB44 Compiler Construction

Course organization:
The theory is presented during the lectures. Problem solving is practiced during the lessons.

Course content:
Course content: Finite automata and regular expressions. Context-free grammars and pushdown automata. Deterministic context-free grammars, LR parsing.Chomsky's hierarchy. Introduction to Turing Machines and undecidability.

Course literature:
It will be announced later

TEN1Written examination, 3,5 p.
UPG1Hand-in assignments, 0 p.
Course language is english.