TDDA14 AI Programming, 7,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course introduces fundamental data- and program structures used in the construction of agent-oriented AI-systems. The course builds on basic knowledge of AI and gives practical experience in implementation techniques.

TDDA 58 Artificial Intelligence C or TDDA 13 Artificial Intelligence D.

Supplementary courses:
TDDA 18 Natural-Language Processing

Course organization:
The course is organised as a number of lectures, seminars and laboratory work. The lectures discuss the practical and theoretical aspects of AI-systems. Seminars cover more advanced techniques developed recently within AI research and discuss specific solutions to the problems arising during laboratory assignments.

Course content:
Implementation and use of Multi-Agent Systems, Agent Architecture, Machine Learning, Agent Implementation, Teamwork and Coordination among Agents.

Course literature:
See the course homepage Reference literature: Shapiro, C, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1-2, Wiley International, 1991 LAB1 Labratory work, 5 p.

LAB1Labratory work, 5 p.
Course language is English.