TATM90 Discrete Mathematics and Logic, 12 ECTS-points
/Diskret matematik och Logik /

Advancement level:

The course will give basic proficiency in discrete mathematics and logic.

Course organization:
The course is part of the normal studies in the second semester for Computer Engineering. The contents of the course will therefore be coordinated with the other courses taken during that semester. The course is in two parts, which are examined separately. Teaching is divided into common lectures and problem classes. The number and distribution of these will be given later in the timetable.

Course content:
From discrete mathematics: Set theory and operations on sets. Theory of integers. Induction and recursion. Euclid's algorithm. relations and functions, particularly partial orderings, lattice and equivalence relations. Boolean algebras. Graphs, trees and different addressings and orderings of directed trees. Examples of finite automata. From logic: Propositional and predicative logic with respect to formal language, normal forms, concept of models and equivalence transformations on formulas as well as proofs for these. Rules of inference for natural deduction with completeness analysis for axiomatisations.

Course literature:
Grimaldi, R: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics. Addison-Wesley, 1994, 3rd edition. Compendia published by IDA (Department of Computer Science): Sandewall, E: Tillämpad logik. Sandewall, E: Rekursionsmetoder. Bäckström, C: Övningsuppgifter till Tillämpad logik.

TEN1, 4 p.
TEN2, 4 p.
Course language is Swedish.