TAOP13 Combinatorial Optimization, introductory course, 5,3 ECTS-points
/Kombinatorisk optimering gk/

Advancement level:

The course constitutes a basic course in optimization, with focus on the practical treatment of combinatorial optimization problems,and aims at giving the student (i) an exemplified orientation of some important classes of combinatorial optimization problems and applications (ii) ability in mathematical modeling of combinatorial problems as well as in classifying them with respect to their complexity (iii) knowledge about efficient algorithms and methods as well as ability in solving combinatorial optimization problems

Linear Algebra

Course organization:
The course is divided in lectures, tutorials and computer exercises. The lectures are devoted to the theory necessary in developing mathematical models and combinatorial algorithms, while the tutorials consists of exercises on modeling and problem solving. Computer exercises gives hands-on experience with optimization software.

Course content:
Graph theory, graph search, introduction to the theory of linear programming, algorithm complexity, minimal spanning trees and matroids, shortest paths and discrete dynamic programming, tree search, heuristics and approximation methods, maximum flow.

Course literature:
Migdalas, A., Göthe-Lundgren, M : Kombinatorisk optimering, LiTH 1993 Migdalas, A : Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization, Kluwer Academic (to appear)

TEN1Written examination, 3,5 p.
Course language is swedish.