NMAB15 Programming, a second course, 7,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The purpose is to enhance the ability to design non trivial computer programs by proper use of the structures of a programming language combined with utilization of tools and a well developed programming methodology.

Experience from a high level language, preferrably F, Fortran 90 or 95. Acquaintance with computer use. Some basic knowledge of math.

Supplementary courses:
TANA77 Programming of Parallel Computers, Scientific Computations.

Course organization:
Lectures and practical programming exercises. A set of exercises are compulsory and must be reported.

Course content:
The Software Design process. Abstractions. Data structures and Algorithms. The structures of the F language, i e records, file structures and dynamic structures. Non numeric applications. Programming exercises, one of which is a smaller project.

Course literature:
Will be decided on later.

TEN1Written examination
Course language is swedish.