NFYD83 Philosophy of Science, 7,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course will give an introduction to problems, methods and traditions within the philosophy of science in general and present an overview of important philosophical problems in physics. The aim is to deepen the understanding of research in the physical science.

Participation in NFYC58 Quanum Mechanics and Molecular Physics (or equivalent)

Course organization:
Lectures and seminars of discussion 30h. The course is given during period 2.

Course content:
The concept of science: The belief-knowledge, science-technology and science-pseudoscience distinctions. History of science: Greek physics, the scientific revolution. Methodology: Rationalism, empiricism, conventionalism and falsificationism. Important problems in the philosophy of science: Observation, induction, hypothetical-deductive method, scientific explanations and rationality. Philosophical problems of special interest within quantum mechanics and relativity: Different interpretations of quantum mechanics, the problem of measurement, realism versus idealism, geometrical conventionalism, absolute movement, the concepts of space and time.

Course literature:
A.F. Chalmers: What is this thing called Science?, The Open Univ Press 1990 L. Sklar: Philosophy of Physics, Oxford UP 1992.

TEN1A written examination
Course language is swedish.