NFYD65 Quantum Dynamics, 75 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To give a suitable transition from the basic concepts that was treated in the course Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Physics to concepts that are used in modern research.

Participation in NFYC58 Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Physics and NFYC52 Mathematical Methods of Physics 2.

Supplementary courses:
NFYD74 Elementary particle physics

Course organization:
The course is given in the form of seminars. About three quarters of the total time is devoted to lectures and one quarter to related problem solving sessions.

Course content:
Will be chosen among: Introduction and repetition. Dirac-formalism. Wave packets and their distortion. Group velocities and the condition for stationary phase. x-, p- and N - representation. Exchange of bases. Closure. Division of the unit operator with projection operators. Spectral resolution of operators. Unitary operators and trace. Evolution operator and its integral equation. Schrödinger-, Heisenberg- and Dirac-(interaction)-picture. Time-dependent pertubation theory. Fermi's golden rule (Dirac). Density matrix. Pure and mixed state. Ensemble averages. Quantum mechanical and classical Liouville equation. Gauge-invariance. Many-particle system. Coupling of several spins. Variational theory. Screening. Hartree-equations. Slater determinant and permanent. Hartree-Fock-equations. Orientation about the X-alpha-method and Kohn-Sham theory. Second quantization or occupation number formalism. Applied examples like the tight-binding model, the Hubbard model, spin-models (Heisenberg, Ising-, XY-). Spin-waves and magnons. Example of coupling between different quasiparticles. Introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics. The Pauli equation according to Feynman. The Klein-Gordon, Dirac, and Weyl equations. The Klein paradox. Quantization of the electromagnetic (Maxwell) field and the Klein-Gordon field. Coherent states and squeezed states. The measurement problem and the EPR-paradox. Bell's theorem and the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) paper. Orientation about some topics of current research interest in solid state theory.

Course literature:
Lecture notes sold by Linus and Linnea AB.

TEN1Written reports
Examination. The examination will be given in the form of homework problems.

Course language is swedish.