NBIB21 Statistics: Theory and Applications in Biology, 7,5 ECTS-points
/Statistik: teori och tillämpning i biologi/

Advancement level:

The students shall understand and use basic probability theory and statistics. The theory and methods are primarily focused on such that apply in biology

Course organization:
Lectures, seminars and compulsory computer sessions. Biological experiments for collecting data and applying statistical methods.

Course content:
The course treats basic methods to analyze and describe data from biological experiments. Decriptive statitics. Simple regression. One- and twoway ANOVA. Non parametric tests. Experimental design.

Course literature:
Fowler J, Cohen L, Jarvis P: Practical statistics for field biology. 2nd ed. John Wiley & sons. 1998. Övrig litteratur bestäms senare.

TEN1Written examination
Course language is swedish.