NBIA09 Environmental Management, 15 ECTS-points
/Miljövård A/

Advancement level:

The course should give different perspectives and a profound knowledge on present environmental problems and society's methods and possibilities to solve them. The student should also get training in literature studies within the field of environmental management.

Basic qualifications

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, seminars and literature studies. The student is requid to be prepared with problems surrounding the literature when attending seminars. Study trips, excursions and laboratory work are compulsory. Every student has to delive an individual literature study about relevant resource and environmental problems. This task is to be presented in writing and orally at the end of the course.

Course content:
The use of important natural resources is examined and discussed, along with impacts on biogeochemical cycles, organisms, ecosystems and landscape types. Subjects such as land use changes, waste management, eutrophication and acidification is treated on a local and regional scale. Others, e.g. human population growth and climate change is treated from a global perspective. Furthermore, environmental management is presented from a legal and economical perspective, as well as political and ideological one. Environmental management in practice in local and regional agencies is briefly touched upon.

Course literature:
Bertills, U & Hanneberg, P. 1995. Acidification in Sweden - what do we know today ? Report 4422, Naturvårdsverket, Solna. 104 sid. Kvicksilver i Sverige. Problem och Åtgärder. Naturvårdsverket informerar. 1991. Barrow, C.J. 1995. Developing the environment. Problems and management. Longman, Harlow. 303 sid. Compendium.

TEN1Written examination and approved laboratory work and excursions
UPG1Literature task
Grades are given as approved or not approved.

Course language is swedish.