Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2017
TETS38 Logistics Project, 12 ECTS credits.

For:   I   Ii   M  


Prel. scheduled hours: 50
Rec. self-study hours: 270

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Industrial Engineering and Management, Logistics

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): A

The aim of the course is to give knowledge and capabilities, and develop the students�?T approach to application of logistics. This is done by letting the students in project form solve different kinds of logistic problems, given by different kinds of companies.

After having completed the course the student shall be able to:

  1. Identify, choose and apply relevant theoretical areas for a situation specific logistical problem.
  2. Apply proper investigation methodologies for logistics investigations.
  3. Choose and apply investigation tools in a real situation.
  4. Communicate the results from different phases of the project in speech and writing.
  5. Critically review and evaluate his/her own work, as well as other students�?T.

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Basic Logistics, and at least one of the following courses: Supply Chain Logistics or Logistics Analysis

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

Supplementary courses:
Logistics Strategies

A number of lectures and seminars give basics in methods for investigation and analysis, suitable to apply in the field of logistics. The students are divided into smaller project groups. Each group will work with a major project, based on a real situation in a company. Each project is given a tutor from the department. Some project groups together form a so called base group, which at a number of seminars will discuss methodological questions, as well as present and review each others work in order to practice a critical and constructive review of investigations and academic reports within the logistics field.
The course runs over the entire autumn semester.

Course contents:
  • Logistical investigation methodology, i.e. to break down and specify a problem, and to analyse and make conclusions in a thorough manner.
  • Systems approach, as it is applied on logistical systems.
  • Deep studies within those parts of logistics which are relevant for the specific project.
  • Academic writing, oral presentation and opposition.
  • Application of a critical approach.

Course literature:
Björklund & Paulsson (2012), �?�Seminarieboken�?�, 2nd ed, Studentlitteratur.
Patel & Davidsson (2011), "Forskningsmetodikens grunder", 4th ed, Studentlitteratur.
Specific literature relevant for the performed project.

Project work
The course grade will be based upon the results from the different parts of the examination.
The project work will be judged by the main criterion trustworthiness, clarity, and level/scope.

Course language is Swedish.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Björn Oskarsson
Examiner: Håkan Aronsson
Link to the course homepage at the department

Course Syllabus in Swedish

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 01/25/2017