Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2017
TSIU51 Project with Microcontroller, 8 ECTS credits.

For:   DI   EL   M  


Prel. scheduled hours: 24
Rec. self-study hours: 189

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): G1


This project will provide practical knowledge and skills in the use of a microcontroller in digital systems. The projects are carried out in small project groups.
After the course you should be able to:
  • (i) Design with microprocessor-based hardware
  • (ii) Program a computer system with assembly language
  • (iii) Make calculations using binary arithmetic and digital logic
  • (iv) Use analog components in the digital environment
  • (v) Construct a small computer with a microcontroller and peripherals
  • (vi) Troubleshoot software and hardware
  • (vii) Read, understand and use data sheets
  • (viii) Use the processor's input and output devices
  • (ix) Contribute to the discussion and problem solving in a project
  • (x) Write a simple specification for the final product
  • (xi) Give substantial input into the final report
  • (xii) Project documentation, reporting and presentation to larger group
  • (xiii) Use Swedish language in a technical documentary context
  • (xiv) Work in a team
  • (xv) Economise with available resources.

(Numeral refer to the corresponding comment field in IUAE matrix.)

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Switching Theory and Logical Design, Computer Hardware and Architecture

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

Supplementary courses:
Microcomputer, Project Laboratory

The course includes 5 lectures, 2 laborations and a project. The lectures contain the hardware to be used and some basic analogue electronics.
The project is performed in a team of students. Each team will choose a design task from a list. The project then entails the construction of a microcontrollerbased unit including both hardware and software, from a given specification to the finished product. The programming language is assembler. The project shall be documented in a report. In connexion with the project scientific articles concerning projects and/or programming shall be studied. One supervisor is allotted to each group. Necessary components, computers and instruments will be available to the participants. The course finishes with a number of compulsary seminars where all project groups presents the resulting units. Parallell to the project there will be a number of lectures. The technical aspects of the report is allowed to be completed during the following period. A concluding reflexion document shall be written.

Course contents:
Design methodology:
  • Modern development and simulation environment.
  • Microcontrollers.
  • Digital electronics.
  • Analog Electronics.
  • Input and output devices.
  • Assembly programming.
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Data sheets.
Project report:
  • Documentation of the design.
  • Linguistic aspects of speech and writing.
  • Rhetoric.
  • Intercultural communication.
  • Layout.
  • Genres and linguistic correctness.
  • Body language.
  • Argumentative or informative presentation.
  • Impromptu exercises.
  • Writing exercises.
  • Presentation of the report.

Course literature:
Compendium from the department.
Per Foyer, Mikroprocessorteknik, Studentlitteratur.
Merkell, Magnus (2002): Rapportskrivning - En lathund för studenter.

Project work
Assignement - Communication
Grades are given as �?~Fail�?T or �?~Pass�?T.

Course language is Swedish.
Department offering the course: ISY.
Director of Studies: Tomas Svensson
Examiner: Michael Josefsson
Link to the course homepage at the department

Course Syllabus in Swedish

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 03/21/2017