TMMI53 |
Engineering Design - Project, 12 ECTS credits.
/Konstruktionsteknik - projektarbete/
Prel. scheduled
hours: 96
Rec. self-study hours: 224
Area of Education: Technology
Main field of studies: Mechanical Engineering
Advancement level
(G1, G2, A): G2
After the course the student should:
Subject knowledge:
�?� systematically integrate and use their knowledge acquired during their studies to solve a machine technically oriented design task.
�?� apply the methods and subject-specific knowledge from the field of mechanical engineering.
�?� have knowledge of qualitative and quantitative methods
�?� use a systematic design methodology and design theory to analyze technology products and solve a given task.
�?� analyze mechanical products from production and assembly engineering perspective.
Individual and professional skills:
�?� assimilate the contents of the relevant literature and to relate their work to it.
�?� seek and evaluate technology scientific literature.
Working in groups and communicate:
�?� formulate the task relevant issues and delineate the task within the given timeframe.
�?� Plan, implement and present a machine-technical development focused on mechanical engineering, production or wood technology.
�?� professionally express themselves orally and in writing.
engineering skills:
�?� create, analyze and evaluate technical solutions.
�?� make judgments with respect to scientific, social and ethical aspects.
�?� evaluate the context in which the mechanical issues are studied
Describe the main concepts and working methods of scientific work.
Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
The project requires knowledge in Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Manufacturing Engineering, Machine Elements and Industrial Organization.
Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.
The course begins with a lecture series. In the initial stage are also groupings of 4-5 students and tasks assigned to the groups.
Course main part consists of a supervised project work, performed independently, in groups. The group members are assumed to take major responsibility for the project work carried out and reported.
The project will be presented in the form of a written report. Furthermore, the work presented orally. Project Course 12hp divided so that the examination consists of 10 credits projects and 2 hp mandatory methodology section
Course contents:
Lecture section introduces the product development and design methodology. The project part consists of a task of an appropriate scale in engineering technology.
Course literature:
Literature is presented later in the course website and will partly be determined individually for each project. (Possible general literature are: Ulrich, Eppinger, "Product Design and Development", McGraw-Hill or Ullman, "The Mechanical Design Process", McGraw-Hill or compendium in the form of updated Liedholmkompendium)
Examination: |
Project work Scientific Method in Mechanical Engineering |
Mandatory attendance at seminars. |
Course language is Swedish.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Mikael Axin
Examiner: Marcus Eriksson
Course Syllabus in Swedish