Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2017
TKMJ49 Environmentally Driven Business Development, 6 ECTS credits.
/Miljödriven affärsutveckling/

For:   EM   I   Ii  


Prel. scheduled hours: 28
Rec. self-study hours: 132

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Energy and Environmental Engineering

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): A

The course aim is to develop the capabilities to formulate and plan a business solution for an environmental problem. After completion the student shall be able to:
  • Explain and reflect upon relevant theories and concepts in the area of sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Account for drivers and hinders for environmentally driven business debelopment
  • Account for critical factors for the establishment of an entrepreneurial venture and have some ability to collect and analyse relevant information for that purpose
  • Combine knowledge about environment and environmental technology with innovation and entrepreneurship
  • In a group design, describe and motivate a tentative business solution to an environmental problem.

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Environmental technology, Industrial economics and organisation, Enviornmental management, Project management

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

Theories and practical examples are presented at lectures. Seminars are arrange for further supporting the learning. In a group assignment a sustainable business idea is planned and described.
The course runs over the entire autumn semester.

Course contents:
The course discusses:
  • Entrepreneurship, innovation and business activities in general and in the context of environmental technology
  • Strucutre, characteristics and conditions of the environmental technology sector and its sub-sectors
  • Idea creation- The process from idea to business model. How to formulate an idea that can be used for creating a new or developing an already established business. How to reach the market and how to finance such a business.

Course literature:
Miljöinnovation från produktidé till affär, Englund och Hjelm, compendium Industriell miljöteknik. Scientific articles, book chapters and case studies etc announced at course homepage.

Written examination
Project assignment
The quality of the project assignment (PRA1) will be taken into consideration when grading full course.

Course language is Swedish.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Carina Sundberg
Examiner: Olof Hjelm
Link to the course homepage at the department

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 03/27/2017