Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2017
TMES24 Sustainable Energy Systems, 6 ECTS credits.
/Uthålliga energisystem /

For:   EM  


Prel. scheduled hours: 34
Rec. self-study hours: 126

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Environmental Engineering

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): G1

The overall goal is to provide different aspects on renewable energy resources and to provide a systems perspective on energy supply and energy demand. After the course the student should be able to:
  • Describe and understand basic energy concepts
  • Describe and contextualize renewable energy and other energy supply
  • Describe and understand technology regarding electricity, heating and cooling production
  • Describe and understand technology and systems regarding distribution of district heating, district cooling and electricity
  • Explain and reflect upon the importance of system boundaries for different energy systems
  • Identify and analyze climatic and environmental aspects on different energy systems
  • Describe energy use within different sectors

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

Supplementary courses:
Efficient industrial energy systems, Building energy systems, Modelling of Energy Systems, Analysis and Modelling of Industrial Energy Systems, Strategic Development of Sustainable Energy Systems, Energy, Policy Instruments, Energy Planning and Modelling of Communities, International energy markets, Project Course Advanced- Energy Engineering, Bachelor Thesis - Energy and Environment Engineering

Lectures, seminars, study visit

Course contents:
Science of Energy, renewable and non-renewable energy, systems and system boundaries, energy systems globally and in Sweden, production units for heat, electricity and cooling, distribution of district heating, district cooling and electricity, biofuels for transportation, climatic influence from different energy systems, energy use within different sectors.

Course literature:
IVA, Energi �?" möjligheter och dilemman, ISBN 978-91-7082-840-9, Edita Västra Aros, 2014
Energy in Sweden (annual leaflet from the Swedish Energy Agency)
Leaflets from Energy Systems, Department of Management and Engineering

Written examination
3,5 ECTS
2,5 ECTS

Course language is Swedish.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Shahnaz Amiri
Examiner: Maria Johansson
Link to the course homepage at the department

Course Syllabus in Swedish

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 03/23/2017