TDEI09 |
Strategic Application of IT: E-business and Knowledge Management, 6 ECTS credits.
/Strategiska IT-tillämpningar: e-business och knowledge management/
Prel. scheduled
hours: 48
Rec. self-study hours: 112
Area of Education: Technology
Main field of studies: Industrial Engineering and Management
Advancement level
(G1, G2, A): A
In the course, we focus the interaction between the organisation and its environment. What importance does the application of IT have for the reshaping of business networks and markets, development and trade with goods and services, and the management of knowledge within organisations and the networks they co-operate in? The aim is to provide you with insights, enabling you to make nuanced assessments of the potential behind the hype.
On completion of the course, you should be able to:
- understand the meaning of the terms strategic IT applications, e-business, and knowledge management
- find and interpret academic articles of relevance to the strategic application of IT
- assess the potential of a strategic application of IT affecting the interplay of an organisation and its environment
- orally and in writing present your own analyses and constructively discuss other people's analyses.
Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Basic insights in organisation, business administration and business information system
Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.
The course consists of lectures and seminars - both in the classroom and in virtual form. The investigating projects performed by the participants, their literature searches and the interaction between the workgroups form central parts of the knowledge management theme in the course.
Course contents:
The basic idea of the course is to discuss strategic importance, business impact, current applications and commercial potential, based on current trends. Using case studies and the experience of the participants, we investigate the chain from vision to realisation. The investigating projects performed by the participants, their literature searches and the interaction between the workgroups form central parts of the knowledge management theme in the course.
Course literature:
Is partly announced ahead of the start of the course, partly decided on during the course, in interaction with the participants. This is an example of a what the reading list could be:
- Carl Shapiro och Hal Varian (1999) Information Rules - a Strategic Guide to the Network Economy, 1999, Harvard Business School Press, 352 pages.
- Alf Westelius (2009) Energy Counselling and Modern IT - Drawing on Web 2.0 for a Greener World. Communications & Strategies, No. 76, 4th quarter, pp. 97-118.
- Shizhong Chen, Yanqing Duan, John S. Edwards, Brian Lehaney (2006) Toward understanding inter-organizational knowledge transfer needs in SMEs: insight from a UK investigation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3), 6-23
- M. McLure Wasko, S. Faraj (2000) "It is what one does": why people participate and help others in electronic communities of practice. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9, 155-173
- U. Schultze, R.J. Boland (2000) Knowledge management technology and the reproduction of knowledge work practices. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9,193-212
- Alf Westelius, Images and imaginators in virtual organising �?" the NPO Friluftsfrämjandet and International Journal of Public Information Systems, (2006), Vol 2 (1).
Examination: |
Project work. Seminars. Written test Active participition in seminars, case-studies etc |
Written test on the literature. Projects conducted in small groups, and with themes chosen by the groups in consultation with the examiner, are presented in writing and discussed at seminars. To pass the course, the student should actively participate in seminars, have completed reflection reports concerning literature and teaching cases, have participated (well prepared) in the discussion of course literature, teaching cases and the other groups' projects, and have actively participated in a completed project that has been presented orally and in writing in line with the directions given in the course. |
Course language is Swedish/English.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Johan Holtström
Examiner: Alf Westelius
Link to the course homepage at the department
Course Syllabus in Swedish