TMKT81 |
Wood �?" Realisation , 6 ECTS credits.
/Träteknik - Produktframtagning/
Prel. scheduled
Rec. self-study hours: 160
Area of Education: Technology
Main field of studies: Mechanical Engineering
Advancement level
(G1, G2, A): G2
The aim of this course is for the student to obtain thorough knowledge of wood production and how to manufacture a wooden product. The student should know how different wood materials are processed, joined and surface treated and also the new requirements for production adjustments of the new wood-based materials. The student should know the various manufacturing and automation processes that are used in wood industry such as drying, sawing, laminating, bending, molding, etc. It is important that the student gets a good picture of Swedish wood manufacturing industry, how it works and what challenges it faces, both in terms of large-scale and small-scale production. The student should also be able to argue for and against wood compared to other materials when looking at production processes and energy consumption, flexibility and lead times, tooling costs, finish treatments, etc.
Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Manufacturing Technology, Production Engineering or similar.
Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.
Supplementary courses:
Wood �?" Materia, Wood �?" Innovation.
The course consists of lectures in combination with laboration, study visits and a project work. Resources such as the material library and the wood workshop will be used in the laboration as well as in the project.
Theory will also be sought for individually and presented both orally and in seminar reports. Students will immerse themselves into a subject that they present to the other students.
Some of the lecturers will be performed by experts from industry and other relevant organizations.
Course contents:
The course consists of some interconnected parts:
Wood products �?" Material selection, mechanical requirements, joining methods, adhesives and surface treatment.
Wood production - machining, sanding, lacquering, bending and mold-forming.
Swedish Wood Manufacturing Industry - Orientation, products, exports and imports, its development and importance for Sweden.
Why wood? - How does the production methods of wood differ compared to other materials?
Course literature:
Suggested course literature is available on the course website.
Examination: |
Project assignment Laboratory work |
The course includes a project where the students will manufacture a specific product based on given conditions. The goal for the project is a complete product and to this a report describing the industrial production of the same product. It is of great importance in this course that the student should learn by practice and in addition to this relate to industrial manufacturing and theoretical aspects. |
Course language is Swedish/English.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Mikael Axin
Examiner: David Eklöf
Link to the course homepage at the department
Course Syllabus in Swedish