Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2016
TBMT33 System Biology and Modelling, Bachelor Project, 16 ECTS credits.
/Systembiologisk modellering, kandidatprojekt/

For:   TB  


The course is not available for exchange students


Prel. scheduled hours: 125
Rec. self-study hours: 302

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Biotechnology

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): G2

The student will work with the integration of their already acquired knowledge and skills within biology, biochemistry, mathematics, programming, and general problem solving. This is typically carried out via a project where a systems biology research question is answered. This questions is usually based on real experimental data, which contains the answer to the previously unanswered research question. Other types of research questions and projects can be proposed, if the student finds a suitable supervisor.

Individual and professional skills: The student is expected to show an ability to
  • formulate research questions and limit a project so that it can be carried out within the given time-frame
  • search and evaluate scientific literature
Group work and communication: The student is expected to show an ability to
  • express himself/herself professionally both in writing and in oral presentations, within all the different examination forms: group-presentation for the customer, oral presentation (3 in total), poster presentation, and a written thesis
  • to critically examine and discuss, both in writing and at a presentation event, a thesis made by another group
CDIO professionalism: The student is expected to be able to
  • put the work in relation to its scientific, societal, and ethical consequences

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
General requirements to be able to start the course is found on "LiTH:s generella regelverk". Apart from that, the student needs to have passed TDDB18 Programming in ADA grk and TFKE36 Biochemistry 2. To start with the actual project part of the course, the student must have taken the course TBMT19, which is a direct preparation for the systems biology project. If the student has not passed the course by the time of the re-examination (omdugga), the student is expected to perform an additional preparatory task.

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

The course consists of an independent work, which performs a project that is formulated especially for each new year. These projects are primarily done in pairs, but they are also connected in larger groups, typically consisting of 6 students. The course stretches over the entire spring semester.

Course contents:
The detailed content of the project is determined in discussion between the students, the examinor, and the supervisor. The project should fall within the field of engineering biology.

Course literature:
The course literature depends heavily on the project, and is determined in relation to the specification of the project. The literature should contain scientific research literature, published in peer-reviewed journals.

Project work and assignments
The project work include a poster presentation, a written report, an oral presentation, a group seminar and a reflection document. The examinations are completed when the bachelor's thesis is approved and ready for print, when a printed poster has been defended at a poster presentation, when the project has been presented at at least one oral presentation, when an approved discussion with the customer has been done, and when the individual reflection document has been handed in. Grades are given as �?TFail�?T or �?TPass�?T.

Course language is English.
Department offering the course: IMT.
Director of Studies: Marcus Larsson
Examiner: Gunnar Cedersund
Link to the course homepage at the department

Course Syllabus in Swedish

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 02/26/2016