TSBK07 |
Computer Graphics, 6 ECTS credits.
Prel. scheduled
hours: 48
Rec. self-study hours: 112
Area of Education: Technology
Main field of studies: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology
Advancement level
(G1, G2, A): A
The course describes the principles and methods for computer generation of synthetic images, animations and interactive graphics applications. After the course you should be able to describe some of the computational models used in computer graphics of how a synthetic image is built up and, more specifically described under "course content". You should be able to use OpenGL to build the synthetic three-dimensional scenes and generate images from them. You should also be able to use this knowledge to design and implement interactive 3D graphics such as simple virtual worlds, 3D games etc.
The course has focus on real-time performance and on using modern methods of the subject. Hence, shader programming (programming of graphics processors) is an essential component of the course.
Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Linear algebra. Programming knowledge.
Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.
Supplementary courses:
Advanced game programming, Images and graphics project course
Lectures, lab exercises and a project. The course runs over the entire spring semester.
Course contents:
Real-time animation with OpenGL 3.2 including shader programming with GLSL. Three-dimensional graphics: geometric transformations, projection, perspective. Object representation. Fractals. Light models and shading, Gouraud and Phong shading. Texture mapping. Text. Visible surface detection. Large worlds, frustum culling, level of detail, billboards. Animation, collision detection. Low-level graphics: Lines, polygon rendering, anti-aliasing. Ray-tracing, radiosity.
Course literature:
I. Ragnemalm: "Polygons feel no pain"
Examination: |
A written examination Laboratory assignments Project, oral and written examination |
The laboratory course comprises assignments that should be solved and presented in the lab. |
Course language is English.
Department offering the course: ISY.
Director of Studies: Klas Nordberg
Examiner: Ingemar Ragnemalm
Link to the course homepage at the department
Course Syllabus in Swedish