Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

  Year : 2017        
  Study Programme : MEC        
Specialisation : MEC        

*) Courses that run over more than one study period
  Course code Course name Course level VOF Timetable group Course credits
  TEIO32 Project Management and Organization G2 o 3 6*
TKMJ14 Large Technical Systems and the Environment A o 1 6
TMKT78 Product Development G2 o 2 6
  TEIO32 Project Management and Organization G2 o 1 6*
TMHL63 Introduction to Computational Mechanics G2 o 3 6
TMKM17 Polymer Materials A o 2 6
  TMAL51 Conceptual Aircraft Design A v 2 6
TMHL41 Continuum Mechanics A v 2 6
TMHL62 The Finite Element Method; advanced course A v 4 6
TMKM40 Engineering Materials - New Materials A v 2 6
TMKT48 Design Optimization A v 3 6
TMMS30 Multi Body Dynamics and Robotics A v 3 6
TMMV08 Computational Fluid Dynamics A v 1 6
TMPS42 Production System Automation A v 1 6
TMQU31 Statistical Quality Control A v 2 6
TPPE54 Advanced Planning and Scheduling A v 1 6
  TMHL61 Damage Mechanics and Life Analysis A v 2 6
TMKM09 Engineering Materials for Lightweight Applications A v 3 6
TMKM18 Engineering Materials, Welding and Manufacturing Technology G2 v 2 6
TMKT57 Product Modelling A v 3 6
TMME11 Road Vehicle Dynamics A v 1 6
TMMS10 Fluid Power Systems and Transmissions A v 2 6
TMMV07 Computational Fluid Mechanics, advanced course A v 4 6
TMMV56 Aerodynamics, continues course A v 3 6
TMPS27 Production Systems A v 3 6
TMQU04 Six Sigma Quality A v 2 6
TPMM06 Analysing and Improving Manufacturing Operations A v 3 6
TSFS03 Vehicle Propulsion Systems A v 3 6
  TMPP02 Project Course – Race Vehicle Engineering G2 f - 6*
TKMJ31 Biofuels for Transportation A v 1 6
TMAL02 Aircraft and Vehicle Design G2 v 4 6
TMHL19 Advanced Material and Computational Mechanics A v 1 6
TMHP02 Fluid Power Systems G2 v 2 6
TMKM90 Engineering Materials - Deformation and Fracture A v 4 6
TMKT79 Collaborative Multidisciplinary Design Optimization A v 2 6
TMME14 Machine elements, second course A v 3 6
TMME40 Vibration Analysis of Structures A v 3 6
TMMS11 Models of Mechanics A v 3 6*
TMMS13 Electro Hydraulic Systems A v 2 6
TMMV01 Aerodynamics A v 2 6
TMPM05 Project Course Advanced - Design Engineering and Product Development A v - 12*
TMPM06 Project Course Advanced - Mechatronics A v - 12*
TMPM07 Project Course Advanced - Applied Mechanics A v - 12*
TMPM08 Project Course Advanced - Manufacturing Engineering A v - 12*
TMPS33 Virtual Manufacturing A v 4 6
  TMPP02 Project Course – Race Vehicle Engineering G2 f - 6*
TAMS11 Probability and Statistics, First Course G2 v 4 6
TAOP18 Supply Chain Optimization A v 1 6
TMHL03 Mechanics of Light Structures A v 3 6
TMMS07 Biomechanics A v 4 6
TMMS11 Models of Mechanics A v 4 6*
TMMS20 Structural Optimization A v 1 6
TMMV18 Fluid Mechanics A v 2 6
TMMV54 Computational Heat Transfer A v 1 6
TMPM05 Project Course Advanced - Design Engineering and Product Development A v - 12*
TMPM06 Project Course Advanced - Mechatronics A v - 12*
TMPM07 Project Course Advanced - Applied Mechanics A v - 12*
TMPM08 Project Course Advanced - Manufacturing Engineering A v - 12*