Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

Valid for year : 2017
TEIO90 Innovation Management, 6 ECTS credits.

For:   DPU   EM   I   Ii   IND   KeBi   SUS   TB  


Prel. scheduled hours: 29
Rec. self-study hours: 131

  Area of Education: Technology

Main field of studies: Industrial Engineering and Management

  Advancement level (G1, G2, A): A

When students have passed the course, they should be able to:
  • account for and discuss theories connected to management of innovation processes, strategic innovation management, and technology/industry dynamics;
  • on the basis of empirical examples, evaluate and apply theories in the field of management of innovation processes, strategic innovation management, and technology/industry dynamics;
  • discuss the interrelationship between on the one hand technology/industry dynamics and on the other hand management of firm-level innovation processes and strategies, in relation to empirical examples.

Prerequisites: (valid for students admitted to programmes within which the course is offered)
Three years of completed university studies with an engineering major.

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshhold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.

Supplementary courses:
Innovation and entrepreneurship, project course

The main teaching-learning activities are lectures, seminars and case study-based group work (in small groups and seminars). The theoretical platform is presented in a series of lectures in English. The theoretical perspectives are further elaborated on through one or more group assignment(s), where students are expected to actively participate and independently drive their own learning process through working with theory and case studies. Students are, thus, expected to take a large responsibility for their own individual learning.

Course contents:
Technology-based development is a central theme in the course. Technological development and its connection to strategy, organisation and management is studied both at an industry level, in terms of how technologies and technology-based industries change over time, and at a company level, i.e. in terms of how technology and product development activities are managed strategically and operationally within the firm. The course is organised in a number of inter-related themes, which are connected through seminars and assignments:
  • Management of innovation processes
  • Strategic innovation management
  • Technology and industry dynamics

Course literature:
Scientific articles.

Individual written assignments
Group assignments with written presentation
In order to pass the course, a pass grade is required on all assignments. Students are allowed ONE attempt within the course to revise failed assignments to get a pass grade. It is not allowed to revise assignments to get a higher grade than 3. The course grade is a synthesis of the grades on all assignments according to a scheme that is determined in advance, where the individual assignments are particularly significant. Grading will be done according to the Swedish grading scale (fail, 3,4,5). International students will also receive an ECTS grade. It might be compulsory to attend a few seminars. Attendance at voluntary seminars might be rewarded in the form of bonus points that will be included in the assessment.

Course language is English.
Department offering the course: IEI.
Director of Studies: Dag Swartling
Examiner: Nicolette Lakemond
Link to the course homepage at the department

Course Syllabus in Swedish

Linköping Institute of Technology


Contact: TFK ,
Last updated: 01/25/2017