Study Guide@lith

Linköping Institute of Technology

  Year : 2017        
  Study Programme : CS        
Specialisation : CS        

*) Courses that run over more than one study period
  Course code Course name Course level VOF Timetable group Course credits
  TDDD65 Introduction to the Theory of Computation G2 o 2 6*
TDDE18 Programming C++ G2 o 4 6*
TDDC17 Artificial Intelligence G2 v 3 6
TDTS06 Computer Networks G2 v 1 6
  TDDD65 Introduction to the Theory of Computation G2 o 1 6*
TDDE18 Programming C++ G2 o 3 6*
TDDD07 Real Time Systems A v 4 6
TDDD37 Database Technology G2 v 1 6
TDDE01 Machine Learning A v 1 6
TDTS08 Advanced Computer Architecture A v 2 6
TSIT02 Computer Security G2 v 2 6
  TBMI19 Medical Information Systems A v 2 6*
TDDB84 Design Patterns A v 4 6
TDDC34 Technical, economic and societal evaluation of IT-products A v 3 6
TDDC88 Software Engineering A v 1 12*
TDDD04 Software Testing A v 2 6
TDDD08 Logic Programming A v 4 6
TDDD23 Design and Programming of Computer Games A v 2 6
TDDD38 Advanced Programming in C++ A v 2 6*
TDDD43 Advanced Data Models and Databases A v 2 6*
TDDE19 Advanced Project Course - AI and Machine Learning A v 4 6*
TDDE21 Advanced Project: Secure Distributed and Embedded Systems A v 4 6*
TNCG15 Advanced Global Illumination and Rendering A v 4 6
TNM067 Scientific Visualization A v 3 6
TNM095 Artificial Intelligence for Interactive Media A v 2 6
TSEA26 Design of Embedded DSP Processor A v 1 6
TSIN01 Information Networks A v 3 6
TSIT03 Cryptology A v 2 6
TSKS02 Telecommunication G2 v 1 6*
TSKS12 Modern Channel Coding, Inference and Learning A v 1 6
TSTE86 Digital Integrated Circuits A v 2 6
  TDDD89 Scientific Method A o 3 6
TBMI19 Medical Information Systems A v 3 6*
TDDB44 Compiler Construction A v 1 6
TDDC88 Software Engineering A v 1 12*
TDDC90 Software Security A v 1 6
TDDD38 Advanced Programming in C++ A v - 6*
TDDD43 Advanced Data Models and Databases A v 2 6*
TDDD56 Multicore and GPU Programming A v 2 6
TDDE16 Text Mining A v 2 6
TDDE19 Advanced Project Course - AI and Machine Learning A v 4 6*
TDDE21 Advanced Project: Secure Distributed and Embedded Systems A v 4 6*
TNM084 Procedural Methods for Images A v 4 6
TNM086 Virtual Reality Techniques A v 2 6
TSIN02 Internetworking A v 1 6
TSKS02 Telecommunication G2 v 2 6*