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Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, 7,5 credits, 7,5 points
COURSE CATEGORY   Single subject course
MAIN FIELD OF STUDY   Medical Biology
SUBJECT AREA   Medical Biology
In this course the student will acquire an advanced knowledge of the mechanisms of drug action on a molecular and cellular level to understand the medical effects of drugs. The course comprises in-depth knowledge in pharmacodynamics (how drugs act) and includes recent research within selected fields of pharmacology.

By the end of the course the students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding
- Understand the mechanisms of action of different drugs on a molecular, cellular and physiological level
- Analyze drug effects on a molecular to medical level
- Analyze advanced models of drug/receptor protein interactions

Competence and skills
- Apply an advanced knowledge in pharmacological sciences in order to design and perform laboratory studies and to critically interpret obtained results

Judgement and approach
- Evaluate and analyze complex pharmacological questions presented in the scientific literatu
- Current concept of drug/receptor protein interaction
- Mechanisms and medical effects of drugs that interact with G-protein coupled receptors
- Drugs that interact with transmembrane proteins
- Drugs that interfere with intracellular target proteins
- Drugs that affect the neuron and neurotransmission
- Pharmacokinetics
- Recent research within some field of pharmacology; pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
General: Linköping University Master’s Programme in Experimental and Medical Biosciences applies student-centered learning among which Problem Based Learning (PBL) is one pedagogical philosophy and method. To prepare the students for future employment, practical and experimental work in laboratory settings are important parts of the programme in courses as well as in individual projects.
Specific: In this course lectures, tutorial groups, seminars and laboratory work are used
Active participation in the compulsory parts is necessary to pass the course, and assessment of them is carried out continuously. Compulsory parts in this course are: tutorial groups, group assignments- including laboratory work and in-depth studies, and seminars.

Individual written examination.

The extent of a re−examination shall be similar to the regular examination.

Students who have failed the course or part of the course twice are entitled to request another examiner for the following examination occasion, unless specific reasons are present.

The procedure for registration should be stated prior to the commencement of each course. In other respects, regulations concerning examination and examiners are applied in accordance with Linköping University policy.
At least three years of full-time undergraduate studies (180 credits) in a major subject area with relevance for biomedical sciences. This could include previous studies at faculties of medicine, technology/natural sciences, odontology or veterinary medicine. A major part of courses (90 credits) should be in subjects such as biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, gene technology, microbiology, immunology, histology, anatomy, and pathology. The lowest acceptable grade from undergraduate studies is Pass.

Applicants must also have documented knowledge of English equivalent to Engelska B/Engelska 6; i.e. an internationally recognized test, e.g. TOEFL (minimum scores: Paper based 575 + TWE-score 4.5, and internet-based: Score of 20 (scale 0-30) in written test, total score of 90), IELTS, academic (minimum score: Overall mark of 6.5 and no section below 5.5), or equivalent.
The course is graded on the following scale: Pass; Fail.
Course certificates are issued by the Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences when requested by the student
The course literature is decided upon by the department in question.
The planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the course plan. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees will the course plan.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men’s and women’s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.

If the course is withdrawn, or is subject to major changes, examinations according to this course plan are normally offered on a total of three occasions within one year, one of them in close connection to the first examination.
Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, 7,5 credits
Molekylär och medicinsk farmakologi
Department responsible
for the course or equivalent:
IKE- Institutionen för Klinisk och Experimentell medicin
Registrar No: LiU-2013-00913   Course Code: 8FA225      
    Exam codes: see Local Computer System      
Subject/Subject Area : Medical Biology          
Level   Education level     Subject Area Code   Field of Education  
      MB1   Medicine  