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Public Health Informatics: Theoretical Foundations, 7,5hp
Kurskategori Fristående kurs
Huvudområde Folkhälsovetenskap - FH1
Ämnesområde Folkhälsovetenskap - FHA
  Kurskod   8FA107
Public Health Informatics is outlined both as basis for organizational development within health services, and as a field of scientific study. Central in the course are methodologies and infrastructural foundations for gathering, storing and utilizing data as well as dissemination of knowledge within health service organizations.

On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

• distinguish between foundational principles in design and empirical sciences
• assess the utility and limitations of information infrastructures and typical databases in health services
• evaluate the merit and scope of different design methodologies in information system development
• assess ethical, and security issues in public health informatics
The main contents of the course:

• essential concepts and theories within Public Health Informatics
• infrastructure for the management of data and information within health care
• health information access
• dissemination of health information and user-oriented aspects
• design methodologies

The course is given in such a way that both men’s and women’s experiences and knowledge are foregrounded and developed.
The educational method used is problem-based learning (PBL). PBL emphasises the student’s development of free, self-supporting, lifelong learning ability as an instrument for critical inquiry. The students own queries and the problems formulated form the basis of PBL. What is also important is the student’s ability to take responsibility for his/her own learning, and to seek and evaluate information and knowledge as well as to develop co-operative skills and a flexible attitude to different views and ideas.
The educational methods include lectures, working teams, and seminars, and web based education.

The course is examined by a written individual examination. Compulsory items include active participation in working teams and seminars, and completed assignments.
Re-examination for a student who has failed to pass an examination may take place on a scheduled re-examination date, which is notified at the beginning of the semester, or at the next available regular examination date.
After failing two examinations students are entitled to support and study guidance from the educational staff.
Students who have failed the course or part of the course twice are entitled to request another examiner for the following examination occasion.

Extent of re-examination
The extent of a re-examination shall be similar to the regular examination

Entries for examinations
Rules for entries for examinations are given in the course information. In addition the "Regulations regarding examinations and examiners" laid down by decision of Linköping University (Dnr LiU 1109/00−40) apply.

Omfattning av omexamination och förnyad bedömning av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
För såväl omexamination som förnyad bedömning av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning gäller att omfattningen skall vara densamma som vid ordinarie examination respektive första bedömningstillfället. Vid underkänt på verksamhetsförlagd utbildning får studenten göra detta moment ytterligare en gång. Tidpunkt för omprövning bedöms i varje enskilt fall men kan ske endast när lärare och handledare finns att tillgå.

Anmälan till examination/tentamen
Inför varje kurs anges hur anmälan till examination skall gå till. I övrigt tillämpas Föreskrifter rörande examination och examinatorer enligt beslut vid Linköpings Universitet.

Antal examinationstillfällen
Resurskrävande examinationsformer är begränsade till sammanlagt fem gånger; d vs student som inte godkänts vid ordinarie examinationstillfälle har möjlighet att genomgå provet vid ytterligare fyra tillfällen. Därefter ges inget ytterligare tillfälle. Övriga examinationsformer har studenten rätt gå igenom ett obegränsat antal gånger. Tidpunkten för omexamination skall anges i början av varje termin. Den studerande har rätt att anmäla behov av stöd efter två underkända prov.
At least three years of full-time undergraduate studies, i.e. at least 180 credits, in a major subject area with relevance for the respective core disciplines/roles; for example Behavioural Science, Biomedical Laboratory Science, Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Public Health Science, Social Sciences, Speech Therapy, including an independent exam element which has at least 15 credits, or the corresponding equivalent.
Applicants with a degree from a non-Swedish university must enclose an official examination certificate of at least three years of full-time studies in relevant subjects.

Documented knowledge of English equivalent to "Engelska B"; i.e. English as native language or an internationally recognized test, e.g. TOEFL (minimum scores: Paperbased 575 + TWE-score 4.5, internetbased 90 TWE-score 20), IELTS, academic (minimum score: Overall band 6.5 and no band under 5.5), or equivalent.
På kursen ges betyget Godkänd eller Underkänd.
Kursbevis utfärdas av fakultetsstyrelsen för medicinska fakulteten, efter begäran av den studerande.
Lista över kurslitteratur fastställs av ansvarig institution/motsvarande
Planering och genomförande av kurs skall utgå från kursplanens formuleringar. Den kursvärdering som skall ingå i varje kurs skall därför behandla frågan om hur kursen överensstämmer med kursplanen.

Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att både mäns och kvinnors erfarenhet och kunskaper synliggörs och utvecklas.
Public Health Informatics: Theoretical Foundations
Public Health Informatics: Theoretical Foundations
Kursgivare är: IMH
Dnr:   Kurskod: 8FA107      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Folkhälsovetenskap - FH1          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
  A1X     FH1   Teknisk