Visa engelsk kursplan
Oral and Verbal Apraxia in Children; Assessment, Diagnostics, Therapy, advanced course, 7,5hp
Kurskategori Programkurs
Huvudområde Logopedi - LDA
Ämnesområde Logopedi - LDA
  Kurskod   8FA046
The course is elective and primarily aimed for students at the master programme in clinical science with a focus on speech and language pathology. The course will be held in English

Knowledge and comprehension
After a completed course the student will be able to:
• Describe and relate basic terminology in human genetic diagnostics
• Understand inherited and genetic deviations related to oral and verbal apraxia
• Understand possibilities and constraints with different neurological and neurophysiological methods including brain imaging
• Recognise and in detail describe the speech production process, including linguistic-, motor- and acoustic-aspects

Skills and abilities
After a completed course the student will be able to:
• Apply relevant speech, language pathology examinations in the assessment of oral motor function and speech problems
• Classify oral motor problems and speech difficulties depending on assessment outcomes

Judgements and attitudes
After a completed course the student will be able to:
• Appraise, act and communicate depending on a syntheses of the assessment outcome
The course includes an introduction to humane genetics focusing on genetic deviations related to oral and verbal apraxia. The assessment and diagnostic procedure will be addressed including neurological and neurophysiological methods, brain imaging and speech and language pathology assessment. Diagnostic markers and diagnosis criteria for the disorders will be discussed. The course will also look at the scientific base for different therapy methods
The Faculty of Health Sciences at Linköping University has Problem Based Learning (PBL) as its pedagogical philosophy and method. PBL means that focus is placed on student involvement in the learning process. The student assumes responsibility for what he/she needs to learn, by analysing and dealing with situations associated with professional practice both in theoretical and practical study. The student seeks knowledge, selects, applies and evaluates this, and his/her learning in relation to individual learning goals. The teaching aims to stimulate and support the student’s development of professional competence and self-governed learning.
Teaching in this course will be provided through lectures, laboratory work, field studies and seminars.
Course examination is through a scientific project presented orally and as a paper at a seminar. Lectures, workshops and seminars are mandatory.
Omfattning av omexamination och förnyad bedömning av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
För såväl omexamination som förnyad bedömning av verksamhetsförlagd utbildning gäller att omfattningen skall vara densamma som vid ordinarie examination respektive första bedömningstillfället. Vid underkänt på verksamhetsförlagd utbildning får studenten göra detta moment ytterligare en gång. Tidpunkt för omprövning bedöms i varje enskilt fall men kan ske endast när lärare och handledare finns att tillgå.

Anmälan till examination/tentamen
Inför varje kurs anges hur anmälan till examination skall gå till. I övrigt tillämpas Föreskrifter rörande examination och examinatorer enligt beslut vid Linköpings Universitet.

Antal examinationstillfällen
Resurskrävande examinationsformer är begränsade till sammanlagt fem gånger; d vs student som inte godkänts vid ordinarie examinationstillfälle har möjlighet att genomgå provet vid ytterligare fyra tillfällen. Därefter ges inget ytterligare tillfälle. Övriga examinationsformer har studenten rätt gå igenom ett obegränsat antal gånger. Tidpunkten för omexamination skall anges i början av varje termin. Den studerande har rätt att anmäla behov av stöd efter två underkända prov.
Academic degree on Bachelors level in speech and language pathology or from adjacent subject areas including a scientific project.
På kursen ges betyget Godkänd eller Underkänd.
At the student’s request, a certicate may be issued by the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Lista över kurslitteratur fastställs av ansvarig institution/motsvarande
The planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees will the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men’s and women’s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
If the course is discontinued or going through major revisions, examination opportunities are normally rendered according to the present course outline on three occasions within a year, one in close adjunction to the first examination date.
Oral and Verbal Apraxia in Children; Assessment, Diagnostics, Therapy, advanced course
Oral and verbal apraxia in children; assessment, diagnostics
Kursgivare är: IKE- Institutionen för Klinisk och Experimentell medicin
Dnr: 1241/06-41   Kurskod: 8FA046      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Logopedi - LDA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
Avancerad   A1X     LDA   Medicin