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Integrated Environmental Management in Corporations and other Organizations, 15 ECTS Credits
COURSE CATEGORY   Singel Subject Course
MAIN FIELD OF STUDY   Miljövetenskap - MXA
The aim of the course is for the student to acquire a deeper knowledge about preventive and strategic environmental management in corporations and other organisations. This includes designing and implementing investigations, formulating environmental objectives, and proposing changes within the organisation in order to improve conditions in the environment.

The content of the course consists of principles for environmental management systems for organisations according to established methods and standards. In addition the content encompass environmental audits and indicators of environmental performance, principles for environmental impact assessment, and environmental permits procedure. Producing environmental reports to authorities and environmental accounting are also addressed during the course.

The pedagogic forms used are defined as project and problem based, where the students individual learning and critical thinking are in focus. This includes group assignments, lectures, seminars, laboratory work and excursions.

Examination of the students are based on active participation in group work, seminars, laboratory work and excursions. Written assignments and oral presentation is also basis for grading of the students.

Students who have failed an examination are normally allowed to retake it on two additional occasions, one of which should be arranged shortly after the first examination.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course three times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Documented knowledge of English equivalent to “Engelska B” is required, or an international proficiency test, e.g. TOEFL, minimum score 550/213.Applicants must satisfy the following general entrance requirements: Minimum formal requirements for admission to the course include earlier studies at least up to a level corresponding to two years of study at a Swedish university. All applicants must satisfy the specific requirements, that is, approximately two semesters of full-time in depth studies in a relevant major subject. (Environmental Science or any other relevant subject). Previous studies must include basic knowledge of environmental management systems and environmental impact assessment.

The course is graded according to the ECTS grading scale A-F
Course certificate is issued by the Faculty Board on request. The Department provides a special form which should be submitted to the Student Affairs Division.
The course literature is decided upon by the department in question.
Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
Integrated Environmental Management in Corporations and other Organizations
Integrerat miljöarbete i företag och organisationer
Department responsible
for the course or equivalent:
ITUF - Department of Thematic Studies
Registrar No: 78/04-41   Course Code: HMXC13      
    Exam codes: see Local Computer System      
Subject/Subject Area : Miljövetenskap - MXA          
Level   Education level     Subject Area Code   Field of Education  
C       MXA   NA  
The syllabus was approved by the Board of Faculty of Arts and Science 2004-04-20