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Visual Culture and Digital Media, 20p
Kurskategori Single Subject Course
Huvudområde Kultur och mediegestaltning - KMU
  Kurskod   HKMUC4
The first purpose of the course is to give a theoretical framework of visual culture and the politics of seeing. The student is supposed to acquire basic knowledge of theories of visual culture and the relationship between the observer and the observed. Images, power and politics will be discussed as conneced in our practises of looking in digital media. Examples will be drawn from "Cyberspace" as well as other public spheres.
Recent years have seen an explosion in the amount of information being published online. Electronic networking and a range of technologies enabling communication have also burgeoned. In today's 'information age' students, researchers, journalists and others need to be online literate. They need to be competent in modern information retrieval skills, and know how to track down experts, participate in relevant online discussions and be aware of the pitfalls involving information found on the Internet.
The second aim of the course addresses these needs.
The interconnectedness of images, power and knowledge needs to be analyzed as politics of seeing. Perspective and spectatorship are closely related to knowledge and power. The links between perspective and politics of knowledge are discussed.
The students will contribute with their own analyses of intersections of the popular and the scientific in visual communication.

The course is a laboratory course developing the relation between theoretical and production perspectives with the emphasis on research and information production on the internet. At a practical level, students will acquire skills in;
a) Information retrieval, including optimal use of search language, interrogating national and international databases, using WWW search engines and intelligent agents, searching the 'Dark Web', and evaluating online information;
b) Online communication, including use of expert networks, finding relevant discussion forums, retrieving archived discussions, participating in newsgroup and mailing list debates, and exploring various real-time environments such as VR, IRC, ICQ, webchat, and videoconferencing.
c) Production for the internet. An introduction to issues of visual culture and visualisations.
Practical sessions will be conducted in a computer laboratory. Lectures and seminars will be partly classroom-based and partly conducted in a virtual environment.
Students will be required to research and write up a topic of their choice. Classes will be conducted in English and/or Swedish.
Examination requirements for the course consist of the production of an individual essay and a multimedia project and its publication, as well as participation in group projects and obligatory seminars.

Studerande som underkänts två gånger på kursen eller del av kursen har rätt att begära en annan examinator vid förnyat examinationstillfälle.

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

Documented knowledge of English equivalent to “Engelska B” is required, or an international proficiency test, e.g. TOEFL, minimum score 550/213.At least 40 points (one year of study) either in one of the areas culture studies, social science, media studies, media technology, ICT or at least one year of documented practice and work experience in the culture, information, media sectors.
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Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att både mäns och kvinnors erfarenhet och kunskaper synliggörs och utvecklas.
Visual Culture and Digital Media
Visual Culture and Digital Media
Kursansvarig är: ISAK - Institution för studier av samhällsutveckling och kultur
Dnr: 224/03-41   Kurskod: HKMUC4      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Kultur och mediegestaltning - KMU          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
C       KMU    
Fastställd av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen/kursplanenämnden (enligt särskild delegationsbeslut) 2003-04-07.