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Gender Studies and Health I, 4p
Kurskategori Course within the Programme - Master of Arts and Science in Health and Society
Huvudområde Hälsa och samhälle - HOA
  Kurskod   HHSID7
The course shall give students basic knowledge of gender-theoretical perspectives and notions and the students shall be able to understand and use, in an appropriate way, these perspectives and notions. They shall be acquainted with major theories and evidence concerning the interplay between gender and health. They shall also be able to examine cultural discourses on masculinity and femininity of matter to health and disease representations, and cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary gender research on health. They shall be able to analyse and discuss cases independently and in teams. Finally, they shall be able to present such an analysis in a scientific paper to be presented and discussed at a seminar.
Gender studies and health is an interdisciplinary course which provides students with basic knowledge of gender-theoretical perspectives and notions. The course presents and examines gender studies on health within a wide variety of disciplines and particularly among humanistic and social sciences. It will provide the students with a brief orientation of similarities and differences in gender related health in different time- and space-specific contexts. It will also examine feminist criticisms of certain health research and of conceptual tools in such research. The course examines cultural representations of femininity and masculinity by examining examples of practices, debates and political struggles of matter to health policies as well as feminist criticisms of traditional medical ethics. It also explores the interconnection between gender and biological sex, relative welfare and behavioural patterns on male/female health differentials in different historical and geographical contexts, and particularly in periods of rapid social change. Topics for discussion may include reproduction and new reproductive technologies, health, death and developments of medical treatments.
Lectures, central texts, extensive reading lists, individual work and seminars. Alternatively as an individual course: reading, tutorials and written assignment.
Active participation in seminars. Discussion of short papers presented by the students. Alternatively as an individual course: A written assignment.

Studerande som underkänts två gånger på kursen eller del av kursen har rätt att begära en annan examinator vid förnyat examinationstillfälle.

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

Admission to the Master program in Health and Society or, as a single subject course, a Swedish “grundexamen” (fil. kand.), an international degree corresponding to a Bachelor in Arts and/or Science or studies up to a documented equivalent level.
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Gender Studies and Health I
Gender Studies and Health I
Kursansvarig är: IHS - Institutionen för hälsa och samhälle
Dnr: 1237/04-41   Kurskod: HHSID7      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Hälsa och samhälle - HOA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
D       HOA   SA  
Fastställd av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen/kursplanenämnden (enligt särskild delegationsbeslut) 2006-03-27.