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Pathways to the Coastal Zone, 5p
Kurskategori Course within the Programme - Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security
Huvudområde Vatten i natur och samhälle - VNA
  Kurskod   HASWD8
The management of the coastal zone has become a key issue on a global scale, since a large part of the world population lives in this zone and on its resources. Political and economical instruments may control the human utilisation of the resources, but due to the complex mechanisms governing both natural and anthropogenic processes of importance for this environment, rational and cost-effective decisions may be difficult to achieve. A broad perspective is applied to these problems but the emphasis is on problems linked to the ongoing eutrophication with focus on the Northern Europe in order to profit on our first-hand experience of environmental research in this area.
The students will get an overview of the problems inherent in the coastal zone. The course will also describe the dynamics of both the coastal zone and its ecosystem in order to reveal the governing nutrient fluxes and transformations. During the course some of the analytical tools presently under development will be presented as well as decision support systems under development. This since the problems discussed are to a certain degree of anthropogenic origin and consequently it is essential to discuss how conflicting policies and actions can be understood and solved in a broader perspective. In connection to all parts examples from recent environmental research and operational applications will be given.
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Pathways to the Coastal Zone
Pathways to the Coastal Zone
Kursansvarig är: Tema - Institutionen för Tema
Dnr: 582/02-41   Kurskod: HASWD8      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Vatten i natur och samhälle - VNA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
D       VNA   NA  
Fastställd av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen/kursplanenämnden (enligt särskild delegationsbeslut) 2003-03-03.