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Knowledge production and Participatory Planning for Sustainable development, 5p
Kurskategori Course within the Programme - Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security
Huvudområde Vatten i natur och samhälle - VNA
  Kurskod   HASMD1
The main objective of this course is for the student to acquire an advanced knowledge of the conditions and contexts for producing and mediating knowledge in contemporary society. The issue of knowledge production is explored in the context of involving various stakeholders in processes of planning processes in which sustainable development objectives are pertinent.
The point of departure for this course is the highly complex issue of knowledge production. The questions asked in this course are e.g. what is knowledge? And how is it produced? A special light is shed upon the production and distribution of scientific and for exapel technical knowledge and its implementation in concrete planning processes. Another set of questions asked in this course is clustered around planning and planning processes. Primarily the course focuses on planning of infrastructure, urban planning and physical plans. On of the focal point in this course is to explore the theory as well as the practice of such processes of planning by applying. This objective is reached by applying a case-based method. Finally, the course pays attention to debates and theories regarding the possibility preconditions for a more inclusive planning process in which a wider range of actors can participate in search for ways to interpret the notion and vision of sustainable development.
The pedagogic forms used are defined as project and problem based, where the students individual learning and critical thinking are in focus. This includes group assignments, lectures, seminars, laboratory work and excursions.
Examination of the students are based on active participation in group work, seminars, laboratory work and excursions. Written assignments and oral presentation is also basis for grading of the students.

Students who have failed an examination are normally allowed to retake it on two additional occasions. Students who have failed an examination three times, covering either a part of the course or the whole course, may demand that another faculty member determines the grade for the student. Those who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

Studerande som ej blivit godkänd vid ordinarie examinationstillfälle erbjuds normalt ytterligare två extra tillfällen enligt denna kursplan, varav ett i nära anslutning till det första examinationstillfället.

Studerande som underkänts tre gånger på kursen eller del av kursen har rätt att begära en annan examinator vid förnyat examinationstillfälle.

Den som godkänts i prov får ej delta i förnyat prov för högre betyg.

Minimum formal requirements for admission to the course include earlier studies at least up to a level corresponding to two years of study at a Swedish university. All applicants must fulfil the specific requirements, that is in-depth studies of approximately two semesters of full-time study in the major subject relevant to the programme. (Environmental Science or any other relevant subject). The previous studies must include knowledge on BA level in public planning, social science, institutional economy, environmental management or other relevant fields of study.
Kursbevis utfärdas av filosofiska fakultetsstyrelsen, efter begäran av den studerande. Begäran om bevis ska göras på särskild blankett (finns på institutionen). Blanketten lämnas till StudentCentrum.
Lista över kurslitteratur fastställs av ansvarig institution/motsvarande
Planering och genomförande av kurs skall utgå från kursplanens formuleringar. Den kursvärdering som skall ingå i varje kurs skall därför behandla frågan om hur kursen överensstämmer med kursplanen.

Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att både mäns och kvinnors erfarenhet och kunskaper synliggörs och utvecklas.
Knowledge production and Participatory Planning for Sustainable development
Knowledge Production and Participatory Planning for Sustainable Development
Kursansvarig är: Tema - Institutionen för Tema
Dnr: 582/02-41   Kurskod: HASMD1      
    Provkoder: (se förteckning i LADOK)      
Ämne: Vatten i natur och samhälle - VNA          
Nivå   Utbildningsnivå     Ämneskod   Utbildningsområde  
D       VNA   NA  
Fastställd av styrelsen vid Tema - Institutionen för Tema 2004-04-20 på delegation av filosofiska fakultetsnämnden.