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Introductory Course in Behavioural Science , 60 ECTS Credits
COURSE CATEGORY   Fristående kurs
MAIN FIELD OF STUDY   Other Subjects - ÖÄA
  COURSE CODE   759G46
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

- account for basic scientific theoretical perspectives, epistemological views and theories of the behavioural sciences
- account for and critically reflect on central concepts, theories, models and research results in the behavioural sciences
- apply an integration of educational, psychological, and sociological theories in the behavioural science field
- formulate and discuss issues, based on diversity perspectives such as class, gender and ethnicity in relation to behavioural science theories
- identify information needs, use relevant search tools and critically review search results relating to behavioural science
- plan, carry out and report a smaller advanced study project.
In the Eye of Society, 7.5 HE credits (Den samhälleliga blicken)
This module covers basic macro-sociological theory and concept formation with a focus on classical theories and concepts. The module applies these theories to understand current social problems. The module also covers basic micro-sociology with a focus on classical theories, as well as modern theories and concepts.

Learning, Influence and Development - A Lifelong Process, 7.5 HE credits (Lärande, påverkan och utveckling - en livslång process)
This module covers educational issues from different theoretical perspectives. The starting point is the idea that humans develop throughout their lives and constantly influence and are influenced by their environment. Concepts such as learning, knowledge, influence and development are covered and problematised. The students should reflect on their own and others' learning in different situations.

Thinking and Behaviour in Human Contexts, 7.5 HE credits (Tänkande och beteende i mänskliga sammanhang)
This module covers the history and theoretical perspectives of psychology. Also covered are the fields of cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, clinical psychology and social psychology.

Basic Research Methodology, 7.5 HE credits (Elementär vetenskaplig metod)
This module introduces basic scientific theoretical concepts and perspectives in the behavioural sciences regarding approach to knowledge, view of man and truth claims. Also covered is the relation between philosophy of science and design as well as planning, implementing and reporting empirical studies.

Education in Various Contexts, 7.5 HE credits (Utbildning i olika kontexter)
Education, in this module, intends organised influence in some form. This is linked to different approaches to planning, implementation and evaluation of educational initiatives. Education as a phenomena is covered from individual, organisation and social levels.

Work and Working Life, 7.5 HE credits (Arbete och arbetsliv)
This module covers the development and structure of the working life over time. The module also highlights theories of the organisation of work and individual's conditions of meeting the demands that the work entails and what it means to work in groups and teams.

Everyday Life, 7.5 HE credits (Vardagslivet)
Everyday life, in this module, intends the different lives that humans live, e.g. in the form of family life and recreation. The module applies behavioural science theories and concepts to understand the everyday lives of humans.

Social Movements in Contemporary Society, 7.5 HE credits (Rörelser i tiden)
This module integrates sociological, educational and psychological theories in relation to contemporary social movements, which are viewed from a broad definition. The module also includes selecting a contemporary social movement and map, describe and analyse it.
The teaching takes the form of lectures, group assignments, independent studies and seminars. The integration is achieved, for example, by covering certain consistent themes in seminars or as individual assignments, based on the scientific perspectives represented in the course.
The course is examined through independent, group-oriented, oral and written assignments. The examination formats are designed to support a reflecting approach in relation to both theory and the application of theory in practice.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course twice are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

Course certificate is issued by the Faculty Board on request. The Department provides a special form which should be submitted to the Student Affairs Division.
The course literature is decided upon by the department in question.
Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
Introductory Course in Behavioural Science
Beteendevetenskaplig grundkurs
Department responsible
for the course or equivalent:
IBL - Department of Behavioural Science and Learning
Registrar No: 2015-00115   Course Code: 759G46      
    Exam codes: see Local Computer System      
Subject/Subject Area : Other Subjects - ÖÄA          
Level   Education level     Subject Area Code   Field of Education  
G1X   Basic level     ÖÄA   SA  
The syllabus was approved by the Board of Faculty of Arts and Science 2009-06-12